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Monday, 17 August 2009


So far I have written appr. half of Volume 1 and maybe twenty percent of Volume 2. However, I shall have to rewrite at least 100 pages of Volume 1, and in order to complete "Brent", I shall have to travel extensively. Stoke-upon-Trent, Hamburg, London, Copenhagen and Amsterdam are primary destinations. How much travelling I will be able to afford within reasonable time, remains to be seen. But travels to the minor destinations is not crucial, not even essential. I'm pretty good at home-spun research as well.

Beijing, Libya and the Ukraine are the primary destinations for Volume 2. Brussel: Check!

When travelling, I shall be Tweeting.

October 1st I shall have another go at the manuscript. Until then, I will continue doing what I am doing right now: Reading books and files, thinking, solving problems.

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This is the Dassault Vehra, a compact small spacecraft of great versalitity and flexibility. An impressive machine, indeed.