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An interesting project in Canada is unveiling its tourism spacecraft prototype in 2010: The Da Vinci Project and
DreamSpace are collaborating on a space tourism project, which anyone can join:
"Please volunteer or provide corporate support for Canada's first entry to complete this private space mission built, by the people, for the people!"
In 2010, the XF1 flight demonstrator, will be unveiled.
Yesterday I created the basics of Annnika, the Swedish porn star, who works mainly within
3D format,
manga inspired, and her speciality is exotic animals. She is the world's most popular porn star and has 8.5 million subscribers worldwide. She is easily recognized by the blue electrostars under her collar bones and the diamond studs on her pubic mound. Annika has won 17
AVN Awards and is also a member of the International Commitee of GUNSEX (Global Union of Sex Workers) and has represented
Moderaterna (the Conservative Party of Sweden) for one term in the Stockholm City Municipal Council, after heading the local Sex Workers Union for 3 years. "Annika in the Lion's Den" was voted Best Experimental Porn Movie at the Film Festival in Berlin the year before the events in "Brent" starts.
Today, I am thinking of the two great rising powers of the East. Which nation will become industrialized and post-industrialized first? Or maybe they will grow together?
The world is changing, and by 2050 both India's and China's economies will be dominant on planet Terra and encompass at least half the world's population.
Democracy vs. party rule? Religion-hinduism vs. atheism-secularity? High-tech vs. manufacturing? Rivalry? Animosity?
Reading and thinking. Hm ...

It is pretty amazing ... The picture of a molecule. It may not seem like much, but my mind boggle it did, to paraphrase Yoda. What will we be able to photograph in fifty years? Atoms? Electrons? And what about the microworld that surrounds us? Will we in the future discover individual features in bacteria? Will we get familiar and personal with virus as individuals, give them names, develop emotional responses to their life and death, like we do with other creatures we study? "This is Jimmy, he's a middelaged e.coli who has been to Italy, but now he's back in Norway. Here he is in Gudrun, a web-designer from Fauske, who met him in Milan."
Time will tell ... for the link to Chris de la Torre, editor of Urban Molecule, New York City.